03 Dezember 2007

"Doing well by being rather nice"

...überschreibt der "Economist" ein Portrait des SAS-Gründers und CEOs Jim Goodnight

"Every aspect of life on the large, leafy SAS campus in Cary, North Carolina, is designed to bring the best out of employees by treating them well."

Damit wurde das Unternehmen zum Vorbild - gerade für Google, das derzeit im Ruf steht, die arbeitnehmerfreundlichsten Arbeitsplätze in den USA zu haben.

Goodnights Motive für diese Art der Mitarbeiterbetreuung beschreibt das Magazin direkt danach:

"Not surprisingly, employees tend to stick around, which means SAS has to be careful whom it recruits and severe in dealing with mistakes: a philosophy that Mr Goodnight calls “Hire hard, manage open, fire hard.” The tall Southerner may be soft-spoken, but he is no softy. The purpose of treating his employees well is to succeed in business. The average rate of staff turnover at SAS is around 4% a year, compared with around 20% in the software industry as a whole. A few years ago a business-school professor calculated that this alone saved SAS $85m a year in recruitment and training costs."

Womit wir einen weiteren Beleg haben für die These der Wertekommission, dass wertebewusstes Verhalten ökonomische Werte schafft.

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